ACD FORUMS 5983 topics
Last Post
AUBURN 1416 topicsFrom the Auburn Six to the flashy 851 Speedster, Auburn automobiles demonstrated that an independant automobile company could attract the attention of a nation. Auburns provided better styling and performance for the money than any other company.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
CORD 810/812 2487 topics2011 is the 75th Anniversary of the Cord 810 and is the Year of the Cord 810. The new Cord 810 hit the 1936 automotive scene like a thunderbolt. Suddenly, every other car was obsolete when compared to Gordon Buehrig's sleek and radical new design.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
CORD L-29 197 topicsBuilt in a flamboyant era of opulence, the Cord L-29 bears a striking resemblance to the Duesenberg. It boasts a number of "firsts" in American car design including the first production front-wheel drive, and an X-braced frame.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
DUESENBERG 589 topicsThe world's most collectable automobile! A Duesenberg will go 90 mph in second gear and they have a 3-speed transmission! A favorite of the Hollywood crowd, they were owned by the likes of Clark Gable and Gary Cooper.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
2ND GENERATION AND REPLICAS 104 topicsThis is the forum for the Glenn Pray 8/10's cars and well as replica Auburns and Duesenbergs.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
HISTORY & LORE 93 topicsAs time goes on, it gets harder to separate Fact from Fiction. In this Forum, some of the foremost authorities on ACD cars will answer your questions about E.L. Cord and his cars.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
GENERAL DISCUSSION AREA 441 topicsCan't figure out which Forum to post your message in? This is the place! Unless your message is specific to one of the car models above, post your messages here.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
JUNIOR MEMBERS FORUM 3 topicsThink of this as MyGarageSpace! This is a special forum for our younger members to discuss everything about Auburns Cords and Duesenbergs! Find out about upcoming events and special activities.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
PICTURE GALLERY 550 topicsShow off your car here! If you have an Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, or anything that you think will be of interest to others, post an image in here.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
VIDEO INTERVIEWS 5 topicsVideo Interviews with ACD Members. Relive the early days of the ACD Club, as the Old Guard tell their tales.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
NON-ACD MEETS & EVENTS 12 topicsThis forum is for Meets and Events that are not ACD specific. Please delete your post when the date has passed.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee
RESTORATION TIPS 86 topicsOur forum and ACD Club Members offer tips on various restoration techniques. Why reinvent the wheel? Do it right the first time by learning from others' mistakes.
Moderators: Awaken, Joe Holderman, thomaslee