- Founded in: 1952
- Size: 1,500 members
- Area: Worldwide
- Purpose: The Restoration and Preservation of original ACD automobiles
- Requirements: No need to own an original car. You just need an interest in them!
Membership Benefits
- Award-winning Newsletter
- Enhanced Web Access
- Annual Reunion each Labor Day in Auburn, IN
- Regional Meets throughout the year
- Restoration Guidelines
- Access to Judging Standards
- Auto Certification
2025 Renewal Update
****2025 RENEWALS****
Just a reminder that renewals were sent differently this year. You should have received an invoice via email for your renewal. You can pay directly off the invoice via the link or print and mail your payment. If you did not, please contact Gretchen our membership secretary. Please email her at
About the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club
From our By-Laws: “The general purpose of this club, incorporated as a non-profit corporation, shall be to preserve and maintain specimens of three fine automobiles of American manufacture, namely, Auburn, Cord and Duesenberg; to preserve and maintain an accurate source of technical and historical information on these three automobiles for the benefit of the club membership and other sincerely interested persons. The Club recognizes only all Auburn, Cord and Duesenberg automobiles built prior to 1941.”
The ACD Club’s mission is to focus on the restoration, preservation, and promotion of original Auburn, Cord, and Duesenberg automobiles. The ACD Club was started in 1952 as a way to connect owners of Auburns, Cords, and Duesenbergs. These great Classic Cars bring us together, and give us a common interest. I hope that you will agree with me when I say that it’s the people of this club, the friends that we make, that keeps us active.
Car ownership is not required to join the ACD Club. Many of our members are very active without owning an ACD car. Our printed Newsletter is published 6 times each year and our electronic newsletter, The BoatTail, is also published 6 times a year. The website forums are a great source of information about the history and operations of these great automobiles as well. The ACD Club is also very active on social media -- we have a Facebook groups as well as an Instagram (@AuburnCordDuesenberg) and Twitter (@ACDClub) presense.
The ACD Club is a Family Organization in that most of the gatherings offer something for the whole family. Our ACD Club has always been family orientated and we try to have a variety of places and things to do for everyone.
The ACD Club sponsors several different events each year. The Eastern Spring Meet dates to 1954, and is held in over Memorial Day Weekend in the Northeast US. The Western Meet is held in early/mid October in California. The main event, of course, occurs Labor Day Weekend in Auburn, Indiana each and every year. This event, held in conjunction with the ACD Festival and the ACD Automobile Museum, brings together thousands of people interested in the history and future of ACD cars. It is a reunion of friends and family, as well as cars, and includes the largest collection of Auburns, Cords, and Duesenbergs anywhere in the world every year.
Whether you are interested in driving, restoring, judging, showing, collecting, or just looking at and talking about ACD cars, we hope to see you at one of these events or any of our other regional events during the year!
For those who have never relished the commonplace
About Our Cars